10 Reasons to Change Your Locks Now

Change Your Locks

Change Your Locks Now

We get so settled into daily life that we often forget to take the smallest steps to keep ourselves, our families, and our belongings secure.
The same is true for commercial buildings, too.
If you’ve gone years without an incident, you may not think to engage in preventative measures anymore.

If this sounds like you, these ten reasons to change your locks right now will get you moving.

1. You don’t know who lived in your house before you bought it.

2. You don’t remember what happened to the spare key you gave that contractor.

3. You don’t know how many ex-employees forgot to turn in their keys when leaving the company.

4. You misplaced your keychain for several hours and don’t know where it was during that time.

5. You’re not using the same cleaning service anymore.

6. A house down the street was burglarized.

7. A security guard in your building resigned or retired.

8. Your handbag was stolen with your keys inside.

9. You’re going through a separation or divorce.

10. Your kid lost his key somewhere between the school and your house.

What Are Your Options?

In some cases, a simple rekey job will work. If you are concerned at all that your locks will not keep out people with bad intentions, always go through with a complete lock change.

You may even want to upgrade to sturdier, harder-to-pick locks. There are several options available for both residential and commercial buildings. These high-security locks will stand up under even the ministrations of professional thief.

Other Security Measures

Even with new high-security locks in place, you may want to take greater steps to protect your home or commercial building. An alarm system with monitoring is a great way to gain some peace of mind. These systems can also include cameras, glass-break sensors, motion detectors, and direct lines to emergency services.

There is no price too high for your safety. If you have any doubts about your security, consider making changes right away, starting with your locks. When you’re ready, we’re here to help, with 150 years of security experience.

Credit :Hosse and Hosse

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